Officially known as the Russian Federation, this country is the largest in the world by land area, spanning an enormous 17.1 million square km (6.6 million square mi.) across Europe and Asia. With a country this immense, the landscape varies greatly, with its western reaches part of Eastern Europe, its vast Siberian forests part of Northeast Asia, and its southern portions in or bordering the Black Sea, Caucasus, and Central Asia regions. Its capital Moscow is the largest of the cities of Europe, and the country is home to six of the ten tallest skyscrapers on the continent, as well as some of the world's most famous churches. and AirVuz is proud to host an amazing collection of drone videos of Russia, capturing the spires of the Moscow Kremlin to the volcanoes of the Kamatchka Peninsula. Aerial Photo: "Moscow City Aerial" purchased via Shutterstock.
Learn more about Russia in the AirVūz Blog!
Click here to see all of the AirVuz Country collections. Also, check out the Moscow and St. Petersburg city collections, as well as the collection for Russia's Central, Far Eastern, Northwestern, Southern, Urals/Volga, and Siberian regions.