Officially known as the French Republic, France is the largest purely European country by area and the second largest by population. Covering an immense area of Western Europe about equal to the size of Texas in the USA, France has everything - one of the world's most important cities (Paris), massive castles and chateaus along some of the world's most famous rivers, some of the world's most well known churches and wine-growing areas, a stunning Atlantic Ocean coastline in Normandy, the spectacular French Alps and Pyrenees mountains, the grandeur of the French Riviera, and one of the largest Mediterranean islands. And much else. These drone videos will give you an amazing perspective of this magnificent country. Aerial photo: "Skyline of Paris with Eiffel Tower at Sunset" purchased via Shutterstock.
Click here to see all of the AirVuz Countries collections. To see even more of the country, there are regional drone video collections for Central, Northern, and Southern France plus the Brittany, Corsica, French Alps, and Normandy regions; there is also a city collection for Paris.