Lyon City France- COVID-19 - #restezchezvous
In this excellent drone video by Lyon Drone Services, you'll see the great city of Lyon, France as it appeared virtually empty during the Covid-19 panedemic in 2020. Located at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône Rivers about 470 km (around 300 mi.) southeast of Paris, Lyon is the center of France's second-largest metropolitan area. The video features stunning footage of the city's riverfront, the impressive Basilica of Fourvière in the hills above the city, and the empty Place Bellecour, one of France's largest public squares.
- over 4 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
19 - 18
- Report
we realize movie during COVID in 2nd Big city after Paris its Lyon the 23 march
Up Next
Lyon from the Sky

- lyon Drone Service
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show Reel 2017

- lyon Drone Service
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The Best of France Explored from Above

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Lyon, vue d'en haut | Confinement - Covid 19 | Vidéo Drone 4K

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Drone Video of the Week, Episode 35 (2020)

- Drone Video Contests
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COVID-19 Hideout

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Hauts De France en version #Covid-19 #RestezChezVous
- Let's Fly Production
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Iceland The Perfect Circle

- lyon Drone Service
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Candlelight Piano Concert x Fpv Drone - Lyon

- Powzeal
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8 - 8
- 11 months ago
City in snow during the COVID-19 pandemic
- feki.m90
- 1.1k VŪZ
16 - 15
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