The Best of France Explored from Above

  • over 2 years ago
  • 1.2k VŪZ
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View the entire "The Best of France from Above" collection, or check out the entire drone videos featured in this compilation.

Eiffel Tower, Paris - thedronalist

Sacre Coeur, Paris, France - thedronalist

Aloft in France: Mont Saint-Michel 4K - AdventurousDrone

Marseille by drone "Le Palais Lonchamp" - nicos aerial

Amazing Etreta (France) - Laurent Paris

Emerald | Brittany | 4K Cinematic Drone Footage - Julien Hulin

Lyon City France- COVID-19 - #restezchezvous - lyon Drone Service

Flying around the Mont Blanc - Drone My Life

Abbaye Saint Martin du Canigou, France - Manx.Cat

Amboise Castle - andreorig