An Expedition to the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods
- over 1 year ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
11 - 15
- Report
Since I struggle to find the right words when people ask me why one would travel to Pakistan and how my trip was, I made this short reel of our recent adventure into the heart of the Karakoram. After acclimatizing at Fairy Meadows with stunning views of Nanga Parbat and the Raikot glacier, we drove down the 2nd most dangerous road in the world and headed to Skardu, where we set out on a 15-day trek over the enormous Baltoro glacier towards Concordia. This place has been dubbed the throne room of the mountain gods, since it is surrounded by famous 8000 m peaks such as K2, Broad Peak and the Gasherbrums. We then pushed onwards over the Godwin Austen glacier to K2 basecamp, but could not cross Gondogoro La due to bad weather and sickness. Despite the hardships, this was my most epic journey to date and a life changing experience. I hope this short video can pay homage to the fantastic landscapes of Pakistan and its wonderful culture and people, without whom we could have never completed this expedition!
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Olympus: The Mountain of the Gods

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