Hydro power plant
Contributor MIAPVIDEOS created this fascinating drone videos of one of the technological wonders of the Czech Republic: the Dlouhe Strane Hydro Power Station. It's what's known as a pumped storage power plant, where flow from a nearby river (the Desná) generates electricity, some of which is used to pump water to the mountaintop reservoir you see in the video. Situated in the province of Oloumoc, it's the largest hydro power station in the country and is home to Europe's largest reversing turbine.
- almost 6 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
13 - 17
- Report
The Dlouhé Stráně pumped storage hydroelectric plant in the Šumperk District isn’t your usual power plant. It’s exceptional for a number of reasons. It’s the largest hydro power plant in the Czech Republic, with the largest reverse water turbine in Europe, and became a “Wonder of the Czech Republic” in a 2005. The Dlouhé Stráně power plant is an amazing and unusual location, both for the nature that surrounds it and the breathtaking views, but in particular for its unique underground spaces. And one more point of interest – you can ride downhill on a scooter from the upper reservoir along a 17-kilometer track with an elevation change of 485 m. It’s the longest downhill on a scooter in the Czech Republic
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Dronie from the bottom of the swimming pool :)

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