Dronie from the bottom of the swimming pool :)
The dronie is the new selfie. If you’re not familiar with the phenomenon, it is when a pilot stands in a undistinguished location then flies their drone away to reveal the spot they are in, which is usually somewhere grand or visually interesting. The later is the case in this dronie by MIAPVIDEOS where he’ll reveal he’s sitting in the middle of a reservoir of a hydro power plant (which also looks like an extremely large kidney pool).
- over 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
10 - 14
- Report
I could not resist to make this quik dronnie while on the job where we were maping the top reservoir of the hydro power plant.
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Tel Aviv-Jaffa dronie

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Dronie from the Ganga (Ganges) River, Uttarakhand

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Wigwam Motel Dronie, 2015

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A Guy and His Drone - The Diving Board

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How I proposed to my girlfriend. Oh, yeah, of course with the drone!!! :)

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Chapel of the Prophet Elias, Mount Olympus

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The Largest Pool in the World (Chile)

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