Boguchany Dam
Multiple Drone Video of the Week Finalist Makhorov brings us this stunning drone video of a gigantic hydroelectric dam in Russian Siberia. Boguchany Dam is located in the town of Kodinsky in Krasnoyarsk Krai, one of the oblasts (provinces) of the Siberian Federal District. It's situated on the Angara River, a major tributary of the Yenesei. While the dam construction began in the 1970's, it wasn't completed until 2015. It has a rated capacity of almost 3 gigawatts, making it Russia's fourth largest hydro generator as of 2020.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
15 - 14
- Report
There is the most modern HPP in Russia. Boguchanskaya Hydro Power Plant. Almost 3000 megawatt. I visited this place for shooting from above. So in attached video you can see mix video with 3D graphics Внедряем больше графики в наши видосы. На этот раз покажу вам аэросъёмку с переходом в 3D. Небольшая справка о станции: Богучанская ГЭС - самая современная и одна из самых мощных в РФ. Мощность ГЭС - 2997 МВт. БоГЭС - совместный проект Русгидро и Русал.
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