Cessna 172 landing on the ice. Baikal lake
AirVuz contributor Makhorov, whose video of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula was picked as a winner of the Drone Video of the Week, brings another stunner from eastern Russia. He was able to film a Cessna Model 172 plane landing on a very frozen Lake Baikal, the giant Siberian lake which is home to nearly 25% of the earth's liquid freshwater. The video includes both drone footage and footage from a camera mounted to the tip of the wing of the plane, one of the most popular general aviation models.
- about 5 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
13 - 10
- Report
This year I've tested the ice of Baikal in a very not typical way. Along with Andrey Melnikov and two other pilots we've flown over Baikal on a small Cessna 172 plane from Listvyanka to Svyatoy Nos. And despite the fact that this year's brought quite a lot of snow we found some large areas of pure ice and landed there. Just take a look at the photos I've managed to take from the plane! It's not your everyday situation when planes land on ice. There may be some risks whether that be ice rampant, cracks or thin ice. With the help of Aleksey Streluka we'd done a preliminary exploration of the area and only after that we decided to land. It's been the first time in my entire life when I really gave a big hand to the pilots during the landing.
Up Next
Lake Baikal in Winter

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The Lake Baikal

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Lake Baikal, Russia by GoPro Karma Drone

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- VadimUshKa
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Amazing Baikal Ice

- DroneProduction.ru
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