One Cold Night in Birmingham, UK, Feb 2024

  • about 1 year ago
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A work trip to Birmingam to attend the Annual Apprenticeship Conference at the ICC - where I was presenting a workshop along with my line manager - afforded a couple of opportunities to fly our MINI3 Pro, the first being in the evening after a short walk from the hotel to the Centenary Square.

The temperature was about 1C, and the Centenary Square was pretty deserted, so after affixing 3 strobes I had an 8 minute flight, which yielded the footage included...

Although I have flow the MINI3 Pro at night before, this location was close in to many obstacles and buildings, and when turning - even in the slower cine mode - the angular rotation appeared to cause some blurring - possibly the shutter speed set toolong due to the overall brightness - which meant some of the footage was not useable...

Lesson learned, moving forwards any night flying in similar circumstance will mean turning the drone very slowly to prevent the issue on other footage..

Sunrise the following morning gave me a second flight oportunity, which wil hopefully be edited in the next day or two..

Drones - 'Mighty Midge' - DJI MINI3 Pro

Edited using - DaVinci Resolve 18

Music - Coma Media - Chill Abstract (Intention)