An Awakening City - Sunrise in Birmingham, UK - Feb 2024


AirVuz contributor Albion Drones brings us this excellent aerial tour of the city of Birmingham, England.  Birmingham is the largest city in the English Midlands region of the United Kingdom, and the second-largest city of the UK after London.  A small market town for much of its history, Birmingham came into its own during the Industrial Revolution, in which it became one of the world's great centers of manufacturing.  The video was filmed at sunrise flying from Centenary Square, in the heart of the city.  

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A second City flight from this week to share today, an awesome surise in Birmingham on Tuesday morning this week, and a cold flight in 0C conditions from Centenary Square at 645am...

The colours were stunning, after getting ut of the shower I looked out of the window to see the pink hue on the bottom of the clouds, so rushed to get dressed and out before the sun rose, making it about 10 mins before sunrise..

Still room to improve - more practice with city flying required methinks - but overall I am happy with it and think the music works well for the subject - but what I think is only part of the story, it is what the viewers thin that matters just as much..