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Morelia Michoacan, México
AirVuz contributor supilotfly brings us this outstanding drone video of Morelia Cathedral, a famous church in Central Mexico. The Baroque-style landmark is located in the heart of its namesake city, the capital of the State of Michoacán. Built in the Baroque style, the church was completed in 1744, following a construction period over eight decades. The seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Morelia, it's one of the centerpieces of the historic city center of Morelia, which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
- over 2 years ago
- 1.5k VŪZ
10 - 15
- Report
Morelia Cathedral, Roman Catholic cathedral of baroque style, which has a pink stone facade and large towers. The Cathedral of Morelia has an impressive tubular organ from the beginning of the 20th century, called "San Gregorio Magno", it is German-made and has 4600 voices or flutes, it replaces the old Spanish organ from the 18th century, of which only the facades are preserved of wood that decorate the tubular organ.
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Los Chorros del Varal - Michoacan

- MxDroneAndo
- 523 VŪZ
6 - 10
- over 4 years ago
Morelia Hotel
- 1.3k VŪZ
21 - 14
- about 7 years ago
Mexico City
- supilotfly
- 2.0k VŪZ
6 - 8
- over 2 years ago
Show Reel Morelia Films
- 2.0k VŪZ
30 - 21
- over 7 years ago
Xochimilco Mexico City

- supilotfly
- 850 VŪZ
7 - 10
- over 2 years ago
Guanajuato Capital

- supilotfly
- 1.6k VŪZ
11 - 17
- over 2 years ago
Santa Brigida, Mineral de los Pozos (Guanajuato)

- supilotfly
- 1.8k VŪZ
5 - 8
- almost 2 years ago
Tlayacapan, Morelos

- supilotfly
- 2.0k VŪZ
5 - 5
- almost 2 years ago
San Juan Parangaricutiro

- supilotfly
- 587 VŪZ
3 - 3
- 7 months ago
Oasis Desert Cuatro Cienegas Coahuila
- 1.5k VŪZ
21 - 15
- over 5 years ago