Craco, an Italian Ghost Town
Among the more eerie sights of Italy is a ghost town called Craco. Seen here in this drone video by Travel and Drones, it's located in the southern province of Matera. Inhabited during the Antiquity, the town saw significant emigration to the USA around the turn of the 20th century due to poor farming conditions. Following flooding in 1972 and an earthquake in 1980, it was abandoned. Since then, it's been "reborn" as a movie filming location, most famously as the spot where Judas committed suicide in Passion of the Christ (2004).
- over 4 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
14 - 13
- Report
For over fifty years (1963), the town of Craco in southern Italy has stood uninhabited. Here, dark windows look out at potential travelers like empty eye sockets and the streets and buildings of this medieval town seems to have literally been vacated overnight, left to crumble in decay. Craco was once a monastic center, a feudal town and center of education with a university, castle, church, and plazas. Today, thanks to the dramatic landscape and unique atmosphere, Craco has been the set of many movies including Saving Grace , James Bond Quantum of Solace and the hanging of Judas scene in Mel Gibson’s the Passion of the Christ . equipment used: mavic 2 pro
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