Peru - Flight of Apu Chin
Working on a documentary about the native peoples of Peru, contributor Reuben Langdon put together this phenomenal collection of drone footage from the great South American nation. The video will give you a sense of the breadth of this country, one of the most geo- and bio- diverse in the world. You will see Andes Mountain valleys, glimpses of the vast Amazon Basin which covers parts of the country, bird's eye views of some of the marks of Peru's Pre-Columbian civilizations, and much more.
- over 5 years ago
- 704 VŪZ
15 - 10
- Report
Some cool drone shots from my trip to Peru where I was filming for my documentary film Samanayo. Some shots will make the film but not all so just in case I wanted to go ahead and share here. While filming a Q’ero Shaman nicknamed me and my done Apu Chin which means eagle/condor. This Film is dedicated to the people of Peru and especially the indigenous peoples, the Shamans of the lands, their ancient wisdom, teachings, and ceremony. Fulfilling the prophecy of the coming together of the eagle and condor. (Apu Chin) Apu Chin is a shamanic and symbolic meaning of the Eagle (or Condor in the Andes) as a sacred animal. Apuchin: (n) (1) Organizing principle of the Hanaqpacha (“Upper World”), the becoming, destiny. Oversees the flow of life, birth and death of galaxies represented by the condor (eagle). (2) Mythologically, the condor’s energies are extremely positive, providing different perspective into a situation or organization. These energies help in ridding you of aspects or things in life that are dead or no longer serve you, as well as experiencing the freedom and magic of spiritual flight. (3) The Condor is our messenger from the Cosmos and connects the reality of the Light Beings [of the Hanaqpacha] to this reality. The symbol of seeing very near and very far the perfection of creation without judgment. Apuchin flies in different dimensions, but soars in this reality. (Also see, chin.) Apuchin actually consists of two words: Apu which is a mountain spirit in Quechua, a Light Being, an angel; and Chin (or Ch’in): ch’in: (adj) Quiet, silent. (n) Silence. The voice of the mystery. ch'in pacha: (n) Quiet place; desert. ch'inyay: (v) To shut up, be quiet. Music Track 1: Song: Kowayo Artist: Samanayo Album: Samanayo Music Track 2: Song: Flight (Ambience) Artist: Solar Fields Album: Mirror's Edge Soundtrack HD & 4k clips avail at pond5.com/artist/reuben_langdon
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