First Flight

  • almost 2 years ago
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Having been so impressed by all of you pilots out there while I have been just slogging along with my Mavic 2 Pro, I decided to take the plunge and pick up the DJI FPV Combo. I have had it for some time, but have been reluctant to fire it up. I have viewed as many tutorials as I have patience for, and had no success in loading any of the flight simulators. I did attach the arm bracers as well as the propeller guards, but you cannot use both systems at once. I figured the arm bracers were the priority. I took the drone up to an open forested area near the Olympics where I might have minimal problems. I left it in normal mode and used the motion controller as suggested for beginners like me. My equillibrium was thrown off just as some have said might happen and almost hit the dirt, so I found leaning up against the car worked well. I did not get nauseated though, which I was thankful for. I am now hooked! So, I hope you will join me on my first FPV flight. You boys and girls out there better watch out! Lol! Just kidding. This will simply give me another tool as a content creator. I'll Be Back! Lol!

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