Ragusa in Sud East Sicily
For a first upload to AirVuz, brand-new contributor AIRWORKS brings us this excellent drone video from the Italian city of Ragusa. Ragusa is situated near the southeastern tip of the roughly arrow-shaped island of Sicily, the largest in the Mediterranean Sea. Over three thousand years old, Ragusa is part of the historical area known as the Val di Noto, which covers approximately the southeastern third of the island. Most of the city was rebuilt in the Baroque style after it was devastated by an earthquake in 1693.
- over 3 years ago
- 2.4k VŪZ
15 - 11
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The best sicilian locations (Sud East Sicily)
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Ragusa Your Dream City (Sicily-Italy)

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Discovering Ragusa

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Castelbuono. Sicily. Italy

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Cefalù. Sicily. Italy

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Dubrovnik Old Town
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