Ho Chi Minh Day and Night Drone Footage in 4K


Prepare to be amazed by this stunning day-and-night drone video of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by top AirVuz contributor dronesantana007.  The video opens with a shot flying towards Bitexco Financial Center, briefly Vietnam's tallest building and still distinguished by its 52nd floor helipad.  Around the :54 mark, you'll fly over the Ba Son Bridge, which spans the Saigon River and opened in 2022.  At 2:25, there's another shot looking past the bridge toward the Landmark 81 tower, the second-tallest skyscraper in Southeast Asia as of 2024.  

  • 11 months ago
  • 6.1k VŪZ
  • 13
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Kasım 2023 tarihinde kızım ile gittiğim Vietnam gezimizin ilk noktası Ho Chi Minh şehri. Yasaklı bir bölge olmasına rağmen dayanamayıp oradaki polisin başının etini yiyip en sonunda pes ettirip bir kaç drone video görüntüsü elde etmeyi başardım . Hem gündüz hem gece çekimi ile berebar, iyi seyirler.

The first point of our Vietnam trip with my daughter in November 2023 is Ho Chi Minh city. Even though it was a restricted area, I couldn't resist and harassed the police there until they finally gave up and managed to obtain some drone video footage. Enjoy both day and night shooting.