Highlights - DOLPHINS of Coochiemudlo Island Australia

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A pod of dolphins & sea eagles is captured during a stunning winter's morning at Coochiemudlo Island.

Coochiemudlo Island is a small island in the southern part of Moreton Bay, near Brisbane, in South East Queensland, Australia.

PLEASE NOTE: All dolphin imagery has been ""cropped"" and then upscaled/enhanced using Topaz Video AI. Drone is 100+ metres from these marine animals.

The name Coochiemudlo is the English language version of the Yuggera words kutchi (meaning red) and mudlo (meaning stone).

The island is serviced by a passenger ferry, operating approximately every half-hour between about 5:00am and 11:00pm. A vehicular barge also operates regular services to and from the island.

The sandy beaches of Coochiemudlo Island provide safe swimming. Coochie is also a destination for sailors. As the island is surrounded on three sides by sandy beaches, and there is always a sheltered beach regardless of the wind direction.

Sailing craft range from sailboards, off-the-beach catamarans and dinghies to larger motor and sail yachts. A deep water anchorage and moorings are located to the south of the island near the jetty and boat ramp.

There is a walk through the Melalueca Wetland Reserve with its variety of native plants and trees. There are many types of wildlife on the island, with its birdlife including sea eagles, brahmany kites, magpies, rosellas, butcher birds, pheasant coucals and a colony of stone curlews which are counted each year.

The waters around Coochiemudlo contain dugongs, turtles and dolphins. Fishing is also a common pastime, with species such as bream, whiting, flathead, flounder, tailor, cod, and snapper, amongst others, to be found in the waters around the island.

The British explorer Matthew Flinders landed on Coochiemudlo Island on 19 July 1799, while he was mapping the southern part of Moreton Bay.


Captured by Autel Lite in 4K, 30fps, M264, MP4.

Shot from Victoria Point & Coochiemudlo Island, Queensland, Australia.


The Autel Lite has the same RYYB camera sensor as the Autel Nano+. Unedited footage straight off the SD card, so you can see the capability of the RYYB camera sensor at work for yourself. The amazing dynamic range of the RYYB camera is shown in this video. The Autel Lite has a 4 axis gimbal which gives you the ability to shoot Vertical Images & Videos, as well as a rotating camera to 360 or 720 degrees during video shooting.

This is NOT the Autel Lite+ (Lite plus).


To purchase Topaz products, AI Image Quality software, click on this link: https://skylum.evyy.net/c/2483584/1143077/3255

To purchase Skylum Luminar products, AI Easy Photo Editing software, click on this link: https://skylum.evyy.net/c/2483584/1143077/3255

To purchase On1, photo editing software, please click on this link: https://on1.sjv.io/c/2483575/891003/12322

To purchase Audiio, music & SFX for videos, please click on this link: https://audiio.com/partner?oid=1&affid=2

To purchase any Autel products, UAV camera drone products, click on this link: https://auteldrones.com/?ref=H2xrJF8e