Interested In This Footage?
A Journey Through Arizona
New AirVuz contributor Totality Films brings us this marvelous aerial tour of the great Southwestern USA state of Arizona. The last of the "lower 48" states to be admitted to the Union (in 1912), the giant territory covers nearly 300k square km (114k square mi.). While its population has exploded to over 7 million as of 2020, much of it remains thinly populated, and a quarter of its land area is covered by Indian reservations. This video was chosen as a finalist for the "Best of Arizona" category at the 2019 AZDroneFest Film Festival.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.3k VŪZ
10 - 16
- Report
Winner of Director's Choice Award, Official Selection Nominee For "Best of Arizona" in the 2019 AZDroneFest Film Festival. It is my great pleasure to present this video of the gorgeous landscapes within Arizona. This film was months in the making, with over 1,400 miles traveled within the state, and two rental vehicles. Arizona has some of the most diverse landscape in the United States. From all the way north in Page, AZ to all the way down south to Yuma, AZ, and everything in between! I hope you enjoy the journey just as much as I did filming it!
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