Winter Fog in the Snake River Canyon.
The Snake River Canyon is one of the most famous gorges in North America. Carved by the Snake River, the canyon reaches a maximum depth of 150 meters (400 ft.) and is as wide as 400 meters (about 1.3k ft.) over its roughly 80 km (5 mi.) length. Famously, the canyon was the site of one of the 20th century's greatest stunt attempts: Evil Kneivel tried to jump the gorge with his Skycycle X-2 rocket powered "motorcycle" in 1974; the jump failed (and the rider nearly killed) when the parachute inadvertently deployed.
- about 7 years ago
- 2.3k VŪZ
44 - 25
- Report
Experience the majesty of the snake river canyon during the winter. Twin Falls Idaho
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River Mist

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Silfar Canyon | Norway 2023
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