Tuscania - village of middle age
Take a first person view (FPV) drone tour of a famous village in Italy, compliments of top AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot zippomaker. It's called Tuscania, and it's located in Viterbo, one of the provinces of the region of Lazio in the middle part of the country. According to Greek and Roman mythology, the town was founded by the son of Aeneas of Trojan War fame. An important Etruscan settlement, the town played an important role in the various struggles which played out over the region during the Middle Ages.
- over 3 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
12 - 9
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the ol midle age village of Tuscania
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- zippomaker
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- zippomaker
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- zippomaker
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- zippomaker
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- nasr khabbaz
- 2.3k VŪZ
16 - 15
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