Trinity Cathedral San-Peterburg
Trinity Cathedral is an important cultural landmark in the Russian city of St. Petersburg. Consecrated in 1835, it's considered one of the best examples of the Empire architectural style. The Eastern Orthodox church is located just south of the Admiralty complex on Izmaylovskiy Prospekt. Left in a state of abandon and almost closed during the Stalinist 30's, the church underwent a major restoration in the 1990's but was heavily damaged by a fire in 2006. Check it out from above in this excellent drone video by Minglam.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
19 - 29
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Trinity Cathedral 一鏡到尾 One Shot ONLY ONE Shot Trinity Cathedral, Saint Petersburg 一鏡到尾 One Shot ONLY 三一主教座堂 (聖彼得堡) 拍攝時間為晚上 令晨 02 點左右 沒有任何遊人 影響減至最小才去拍攝 ! 是俄羅斯聖彼得堡的一座教堂,興建於1828 -1835年,坐落在海軍部以南。 可容納3000人, 1990年,教堂成為世界遺產聖彼得堡的一部分。 Trinity Cathedral (St. Petersburg) The shooting time is at night, around two o'clock in the morning without any tourists to minimize the impact before going to shoot! It is a church in St. Petersburg, Russia, built in 1828-1835, located south of the Admiralty. It can accommodate 3,000 people. In 1990, the church became part of the World Heritage St. Petersburg. Music: Look To The Stars - Piano
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Sunny Morning in Saint-Petersburg

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The Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity (Trinity Cathedral) in Gus-Zhelezny

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