Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡
In this drone video by Minglam, you'll get some great aerial views of six of the best-known sites of St. Petersburg, Russia. In order of appearance, they are (1) the gold-domed St. Isaac's Cathedral; (2) the blue-domed Trinity Cathedral; (3) Lakhta Center, Europe's tallest building as of 2019; (4) the Palace Bridge, which crosses the Neva to Vasilevsky Island; (5) the Admiralty Building, former headquarters of the Russian Imperial Navy; and (6) the Winter Palace, the main palace of the Tsars in pre-Revolutionary Russia.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.8k VŪZ
29 - 45
- Report
Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡 拍攝時間 大部份在晚上,凌晨和清晨時間 ,拍攝 地點 在聖彼得堡 出名名勝 包括全歐洲最高大廈 名單在下面 : 抗畫面什訊在 Final Cut 花了很長時間 用 Mavic Pro 2 拍攝 Most of the shooting time is in the evening, so the morning and early morning hours can be filmed after the work is finished. The shooting location in St. Petersburg is famous. The list of the highest buildings in Europe is below. processing footage noise a long time at Final Cut Time to shoot with Mavic Pro 2: St Isaac's Square 聖以撒大教堂 Исаакиевский собор Sobor Svyatoy Zhivonachal'noy Troitsy Собор Святой Живоначальной Троицы 彼得保羅要塞 Петропавловская крепость Lakhta Center Лахта(全歐洲最高大廈) Ext......... Music : Majed Salih - RussianTronic https://www.jamendo.com 聖彼得堡,中文俗稱彼得堡,是俄羅斯的聯邦直轄市,也是西北部聯邦管區和列寧格勒州的首府。位於俄羅斯西北部,瀕臨芬蘭灣,涅瓦河流經過市區,為俄羅斯在波羅的海一帶的重要港口。全市人口約520萬,是俄羅斯人口第二大城、以及世界上居民超過100萬人的最北端城市 Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg,is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012 , part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city). #SaintPetersburg #Россия #stpetersburg #聖彼得堡 #Russia #Санкт-Петербу́рг #Russian #kuoni #lakhtacenter #lakhta #lakhtacenter #dji#drone #dronestagram #dronephotography #drones #djimavic #djiglobal #droneoftheday #dronelife #dronefly #aerialphotography #djimavicpro2 #travel t#djimavicair #mavicpro2 #photooftheday #aerial #airvuz #香港人 #hongkonger #minglamaerial
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