The New Downtown East Neighborhood of Minneapolis
The area just east of central downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota spent years in the shadow of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, a multi-purpose sports facility built on the cheap in the early 1980's which was an eyesore surrounded by surface parking lots. In recent years, the area has been completely transformed by over $2 billion of new investment, led by US Bank Stadium. Now called Downtown East, you can see it from a bird's eye perspective in this drone video by contributor and pilot gopherdrone.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
20 - 15
- Report
Pretty amazing what's happened in just a few short what's happened in the area just east of downtown. Used to be just the Metrodome and a bunch of parking lots and decrepit buildings, now it's unbelievable (although crazy expensive to live there).
Up Next
Tour of the Minneapolis North Loop Neighborhood

- gopherdrone
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Walker Art Center Redux

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Guthrie Theater, Minneapolis

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St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis

- gopherdrone
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