ONEDOME - Reality Evolved
Onedome is “two floors of mind-bending interacting and fun in San Francisco.” The immersive experiences includes F.E.A.S.T., a 5-star menu with interactive table art; LMNL, a group of interactive installations and otherworldly explorations; The Unreal Garden, a world of fantastical creatures and alien flora, and more. The LMNL and Unreal Garden can be seen in this HD, 4K micro drone flight by InspireFPV. It earned him an FPV Pilots to Watch nod in June of 2019.
- almost 6 years ago
- 783 VŪZ
10 - 8
- Report
"Onedome is an immersive entertainment company. We use creativity to inspire collaboration, connection and community. We are an interactive & immersive art & entertainment destination. At Onedome, you can get lost in a bewilderness of experiences that merge art, story and technology. Let your curiosity guide you to play, discover, connect and interact in ways never before possible." -Onedome . https://onedome.global/ . Cheers to Scott Levkoff, Steve M. Boyle, & company, for all the hard work and effort put into throwing this spectacular event! ♥️🎊 . Many thanks to @marquesparky for lending me his Beta85x HD 😊🙏 . #onedome #mysticmidway #midwayville #futuresportsmuseum #beta85x #reality #immersive #technology #art #entertainment #nightlife #sanfrancisco #fpv #drone #dronestagram #bayareaquadsquad @onedome @mysticmidway @midwayville @douglasburnet @s_f_p_v @futuresportsmuseum @bayareaquadsquad . . . My Quad Armattan Marmotte frame https://www.armattanquads.com/marmotte/ Armattan Velvet 2206/2300KV motors https://www.armattanquads.com/armattan-oomph-velvet-edition-2206-2300-kv-motor/ Tattu Funfly 4S 100C 1550mAh battery https://www.genstattu.com/ta-ff-100c-1550-4s1p.html T-Motor T-5143 props http://store-en.tmotor.com/goods.php?id=735 Joshua Bardwell F4 flight controller https://www.racedayquads.com/products/bardwell-f4-flight-controller-v2-jbf4-aio-fc-by-rdq-w-osd-3-6s Betaflight 32 Bit ESCs https://www.racedayquads.com/products/betaflight-35a-32-bit-esc-2-6s-dshot-1200 Johnny FPV RunCam Swift FPV camera https://www.racedayquads.com/products/runcam-swift-mini-2-johnnyfpv-edition-600tvl-ccd-fpv-camera-2-1mm TBS Nano RX https://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:crossfire_nano_rx ImmersionRC Tramp HV https://www.racedayquads.com/products/tramp-vtx-hv-switchable-video-transmitter-by-immersion-rc TBS Triumph VTX antenna https://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:tbs_triumph GoPro Hero6 w/ ReelSteady GO https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-HERO6-Black-Waterproof-Digital/dp/B074X5WPC5 https://www.reelsteady.com/pages/go-details GoPro Hero7 w/ Hypersmooth https://shop.gopro.com/cameras/hero7-black/CHDHX-701-master.html
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