Interested In This Footage?
Lost in Jordan - NezarTash
Take an aerial tour of the Middle Eastern nation of Jordan with this excellent piece by mezartash, which was nominated as a Drone Video of the Week finalist in November, 2019. Some of the locations featured in the video include the ruins of Pella, a city in the country's northwestern corner; the ancient city of Petra in the southern desert, which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site; the sleek modern towers of the capital city of Amman; the rock formations of the Wadi Rum Desert; and more.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
22 - 22
- Report
life can take us to a whole different trip where we get lost in it. the goal is not the destination but the journey itself where it takes us. this was filmed in Jordan country. from Wadi Ram to Petra to the city of Amman and the dead sea. used the Mavic pro2 as a cinematic movie shot. had the opportunity to film on those strict locations
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Extraordinary - NezarTash
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Earth Valley - NezarTash

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The Art of Stunt- NezarTash

- nezartash
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Wake up, Its your time (NezarTash)
- nezartash
- 994 VŪZ
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Expand Your Horizon - Full Aerial Production

- nezartash
- 1.9k VŪZ
12 - 11
- about 1 year ago
Can I Get it? KAFD: Most Insane Playground Towers in Saudi Arabia - Nezar Tash FPV

- nezartash
- 1.8k VŪZ
10 - 14
- over 1 year ago