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Neom City - Saudi Arabia vision 2030 - NezarTash
This is one cinematic, 4K FPV video, flown by pilot nezartash in Saudi Arabia. He’s taking us to three very unique, different and important destinations. First is Madain Saleh, the first UNESCO site in Saudi Arabia, oftentimes compared to Jordan’s Petra. Around 300 kilometers north of Medina, Al Ula was an important trade hub for the ancient Lihyanites and is now scattered with historic ruins. Finally, Neom is a planned cross-border smart city with technology that makes it a major tourist destination.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
16 - 12
- Report
this was filmed in Neom Area, Al-ula and Maddaen Saleh. a beautiful spot that's never been filmed with a drone also being the first Saudi Drone Operator to work there
Up Next
Earth Valley - NezarTash

- nezartash
- 2.0k VŪZ
7 - 6
- over 2 years ago
The Art of Stunt- NezarTash

- nezartash
- 1.2k VŪZ
4 - 2
- over 3 years ago
Wake up, Its your time (NezarTash)
- nezartash
- 994 VŪZ
13 - 9
- almost 5 years ago
historian developer of FPV ( Saudi Arabia) NezarTash
- nezartash
- 1.3k VŪZ
21 - 29
- over 4 years ago
Can I Get it? KAFD: Most Insane Playground Towers in Saudi Arabia - Nezar Tash FPV

- nezartash
- 1.8k VŪZ
10 - 14
- over 1 year ago
Oil and Gas freestyle - Nezar Tash - Saudi Arabia

- nezartash
- 1.9k VŪZ
3 - 3
- about 3 years ago
Extraordinary - NezarTash
- nezartash
- 1.3k VŪZ
16 - 17
- over 4 years ago
Expand Your Horizon - Full Aerial Production

- nezartash
- 1.9k VŪZ
12 - 11
- about 1 year ago
Somewhere far away - Nezar Tash

- nezartash
- 1.1k VŪZ
15 - 16
- almost 4 years ago
What is the Definition of Happiness - Ft Nezar Tash FPV

- nezartash
- 1.9k VŪZ
11 - 10
- about 2 years ago