Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada is the gambling capital of North America. Born out of the construction phase of nearby Hoover Dam in the 1930's, the city is known for its casinos that are filled with gambling, shopping, fine dining and entertainment. Just outside of the city limits lies the Mojave Desert, the driest desert in North America. The dichotomy between the two can be seen in this video, featuring the Vegas Strip and rolling desert hills, by travispacheco. He used the DJI Mavic 2 Pro and DJI Osmo Pocket to create this film.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
11 - 16
- Report
A look at the dichotomy of Las Vegas, from the decadent casinos to the stunning landscape surrounding the area. Filmed using a DJI Mavic 2 Pro and a DJI Osmo Pocket.
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Las Vegas High Roller

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Las Vegas Strip

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Ghost Town Las Vegas

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Las Vegas Cityscape

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Beyond Vegas

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DJI Mavic Pro - Red Rocks Canyon, Nevada

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L.A. Drones & Intel @ CES 2018

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