Ireland: the spot, where the Atlantic coast tastes like a croissant
In this Drone Video of the Week nominated video, top contributor Scientik takes us on a glorious aerial tour of Ireland's west coast, otherwise known as the Wild Atlantic Way. Shot on a DJI Inspire 2 with the incredible X7 camera, this piece the country's rugged coast line, green fields, and miles of undeveloped land. The other-worldly look of the coastline led to the Wild Atlantic Way being a primary filming location for the 2017 blockbuster Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the eighth in the series.
- over 6 years ago
- 3.9k VŪZ
52 - 44
- Report
Ireland. Best spot of the European continent. Inspire 2 Zenmuse X7. Best drone of our era. George Karbus. Best guide and ocean photographer in this Galaxy. Better settings not available this century.
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Drone Video of the Week Nominees: December Week 2

- Drone Video Contests
- 1.4k VŪZ
28 - 11
- over 6 years ago
Atlantico Islandico

- scientik
- 2.6k VŪZ
1 - 1
- about 3 years ago
West Coast Of Ireland
- Kucocy
- 863 VŪZ
14 - 9
- over 4 years ago
Old Head Lighthouse, Cork, Ireland. Mavic 2 Pro

- Mark's Mavic 2
- 1.1k VŪZ
22 - 18
- almost 6 years ago
Southern Coast of Ireland | Shot with Mavic Air & hero 6

- rmt_productions
- 1.4k VŪZ
37 - 21
- about 7 years ago

- Dronescapes Ireland
- 2.2k VŪZ
8 - 15
- about 1 year ago
Dún Briste sea stack, Downpatrick head, County Mayo, Ireland

- Peter and Loki
- 1.0k VŪZ
14 - 11
- almost 6 years ago
Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way

- Shane Mc Grath Pho...
- 1.4k VŪZ
25 - 24
- over 7 years ago
This Is Ireland

- Nitram Photography
- 1.7k VŪZ
24 - 24
- over 6 years ago
Ireland with DJI Mavic Pro 4k
- Kirb82
- 1.5k VŪZ
33 - 25
- over 7 years ago