AirVuz contributor and first person view (FPV) pilot Lougedo has traveled quite a long ways to hit this dive. He’s at Valle de los Caidos or “Valley of the Fallen” a Catholic basilica and monumental memorial near Madrid, Spain. The cross seen in this piece is considered a landmark of 20th-century Spanish architecture and is the tallest in the world. The 150-meter (500 feet) high Christian cross was started in 1940 and took over 18 years to complete. One priest referred to it as a “national act of atonement.”
- about 5 years ago
- 1.0k VŪZ
12 - 4
- Report
How many times i saw this Big Cross of the Valle de los Caidos (Fallen Valley) , and though about this moment you just have seen. The history behind this Cross is 👇🏼Spanish and English: 🇪🇸Español: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valle_de_los_Ca%C3%ADdos Construido por presos políticos Es un conjunto monumental construido entre 1940 y 1958, en pleno franquismo, como un homenaje a los "héroes y mártires de la Cruzada" que "legaron una España mejor", es decir, a los que lucharon y murieron por Franco durante la Guerra Civil, como deja claro la orden firmada por el dictador en 1940. No para la reconciliación, ni para ambos bandos, como se reinventó más tarde el franquismo. Además de emplear a personal contratado, también se construyó con el trabajo de presos políticos bajo las normas del Patronato Central de Redención de Penas por el Trabajo, un organismo que hizo posible la utilización de los presos políticos como mano de obra y su explotación laboral a cambio de una reducción de la condena. Es la mayor fosa común de España En el Valle hay una iglesia –la basílica del Valle de los Caídos– donde están enterrados en diferentes criptas y pisos 33.833 cadáveres, de los cuales 12.410 son de personas desconocidas, lo que lo convierte en la mayor fosa común de España. El último traslado de un cuerpo se produjo en 1983. Los muertos se llevaron desde fosas comunes y desde cementerios de toda España, excepto de Ourense, A Coruña, Las Palmas y Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Franco trasladó muertos sin consentimiento En su origen, como especifica el decreto, ese iba a ser el lugar para los héroes del franquismo. En un momento dado, la dictadura decide trasladar miles de cuerpos de republicanos represaliados, en muchos casos sin permiso ni conocimiento de sus familias. Una carta del ministro de Gobernación fechada en 1958 constata el cambio de rumbo del Valle y especifica que se harán las inhumaciones "sin distinción del campo en el que combatieran". 🇺🇸English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valle_de_los_Ca%C3%ADdos Built by political prisoners It is a monumental complex built between 1940 and 1958, in full Franco, as a tribute to the "heroes and martyrs of the Crusade" who "bequeathed a better Spain", that is, those who fought and died for Franco during the Civil War , as the order signed by the dictator in 1940 makes clear. Not for reconciliation, nor for both sides, as Franco was later reinvented It is the largest mass grave in Spain In the Valley there is a church - the basilica of the Valley of the Fallen - where 33,833 bodies are buried in different crypts and floors, of which 12,410 are from unknown people, which makes it the largest mass grave in Spain. The last transfer of a body occurred in 1983. The dead were taken from mass graves and cemeteries throughout Spain, except Ourense, A Coruña, Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Franco moved dead without consent In its origin, as the decree specifies, that was to be the place for the heroes of Franco. At one point, the dictatorship decides to move thousands of bodies of repressed Republicans, in many cases without permission or knowledge of their families. A letter from the Minister of the Interior dated 1958 confirms the change of course of the Valley and specifies that the burials will be made "without distinction of the field in which they fought." --------------- If you want to try Reelstady GO please take a look to my discount code, Get $5 OFF Reelsteady GO and support the channel trough reelsteady coupon code (LOUGEDO) at the check out or using this link: https://www.reelsteady.com/discount/L... Follow me on instagram for more daily updates: https://www.instagram.com/lougedo/ Quad on the video and my go to Freestyle quad: Armattan Chameleon TI 🙌🏼https://www.armattanquads.com/ Hobbywing g2 Stack FC + ESC 45A FPV Cam Runcam Swift 3 with 2.1mm lens TBS Unify Pro HV VTx 500mw and TrueRC Strix 5.8 1250mAh 6s HW 2207 1700kv Crossfire nano Rx GoPro 6 2,7k 60 4:3 for RSGO Frsky XLite + Crossfire Big Boy Dominator HDO RapidFire module with TrueRC Singularity 5.8 and VAS Pepperbox Music by: You don´t own me - Lesley Gore ( Extended Remix) DISCLAIMER: You are hereby notified that the stunts and tricks displayed in this video are performed by professionals in controlled environments.. Do not attempt to duplicate, re-create, or perform the same or similar stunts and tricks at home, as personal injury or property damage may result. The producer of this video is not responsible for any such injury or damage. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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