Litli Hrútur Eruption - Iceland Volcano 2023


For obvious reasons, volcanic eruptions are difficult if not impossible to observe up close.  Fortunately, skilled first person view (FPV) drone pilots are getting increasingly good a filming these phenomena from a (relatively) safe distance.  An excellent example is this stunning FPV video by AirVuz contributor and pilot Lougedo, who was able to film the Litli-Hrútur eruption near Reykjavik, Iceland in July of 2023.  It was the largest eruption to date of the Fagradalsfjall volcano, which began erupting in March of 2021.  

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My first experience near to a Vulcano, Litlei- Hrutur Volcano, Iceland., July 20th 2023.It is an experience that everybody needs to feel by themselves, like when you look a fire, by 100 times bigger, in semi control stage. Hypnotic experience.Lucky i didn’t lost the drone here, kind of having everything under control, but extremely windy to make it harder.Thanks to @andriu_fpv and Ana to give this opportunity to visit the Volcano!