DJI Mavic Pro over Aberdeen Reservoir-香港仔水塘航拍 11Aug2017
- over 7 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
19 - 25
- Report
香港仔水塘航拍 The Aberdeen Reservoirs (Chinese: 香港仔水塘) are a group of two reservoirs, consisting of the Upper Aberdeen Reservoir (Chinese: 香港仔上水塘) and the Lower Aberdeen Reservoir (Chinese: 香港仔下水塘), in Aberdeen, Hong Kong. The Aberdeen Reservoirs were built to augment Pok Fu Lam Reservoir in providing water supply to the west of Hong Kong Island. The Lower Aberdeen Reservoir, with a capacity of 44.2 million imperial gallons (201,000 m3), was originally a private reservoir owned by Tai Shing Paper Factory, built in 1890, which also provided water to nearby residents. The Government bought the reservoir at a price of HK$460,000 and expanded it to a capacity of 91 million imperial gallons (410,000 m3). At the same time, the Government built a new reservoir with a capacity of 175 million imperial gallons (800,000 m3) above the original one, increasing the total capacity to 266 million imperial gallons (1,210,000 m3). 香港仔水塘是位於香港香港島南部香港仔郊野公園之內的香港仔谷的水塘。 香港仔下水塘前身為大成紙廠私人水塘,建於1890年,容量達4,420萬加侖;1900年曾加高堤壩18米,使容量增至4,780萬加侖。當時大成紙廠與香港政府協定,為鴨脷洲居民每天提供6萬加侖食水。到了1920年代,香港政府為了解決港島西區食水問題,花費46萬港元買下香港仔大成紙廠私人水塘,把它改建成公用水塘。並在1931年於水塘上游加建香港仔上水塘,使香港仔水塘總容量增至9,100萬加侖(126萬立方米)。在1931年12月15日由當時港督貝璐主持開幕儀式。 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwX5tPl-xPL5pw22_zybew Welcome to share or subscribe. Background music : ふるさとの空 license: http://amachamusic.chagasi.com
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