Coastlines - Cinematic FPV from Thailand to Madeira


Coastlines are a source of continuing fascination for first person view (FPV) drone pilots, and for good reason - a cruise along a beach, a surfline, or a rocky cliff is one of the most enjoyable forms of flying, and the cinematic content creation potential of scenic spots is endless.  In this reel by top AirVuz contributor lukethecreator, you'll be treated to a series of coastal FPV highlights from locations in Italy, Portugal (including the island of Madeira) and Thailand.  This video was picked for the FPV Pilots to Watch list.  

  • about 2 years ago
  • 1.8k VŪZ
  • 14
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This year 2022 I flew not more than 10 packs of lipos on all my vacations in total, but I still wanted to make a video out of it to showcase all the beautiful destinations I was lucky to travel to this year:

Thailand, Italy, Madeira and Portugal.

Also, I decided to approach the hobby more professionally, because I had my first jobs for filming and started a company.

That's why I was more focused on really enjoying the vacations and not to make footage everywhere.

I shot this video entirely on a Hero 9 black, and finally I was able to color grade it to a point where I'm totally satisfied with the results, and I think it really shows. I am really impressed with the dynamic range and the ability to change the colors to a film look, considering it is only an action cam.

You can find me on youtube:

and instagram: