CU Boulder in a Pandemic - FPV Drone Perspective
With many colleges and universities closed in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, enterprising first-person view (FPV) pilots have been drawn to filming these sites, which in normal times are difficult to access. Case in point is this piece by top AirVuz contributor and FPV pilot nikofilmz. He used his mini-drone to film the nearly-deserted University of Colorado campus in Boulder. Check out the unique perspective he's able to create this beautiful campus, which earned him a spot on the FPV Pilots to Watch list in August, 2020.
- over 4 years ago
- 1.0k VŪZ
15 - 18
- Report
At the height of the pandemic back in Spring, Carter Hansen (@carterfilmz) and I showed up at CU Boulder with a mission to document the eerily empty campus. 3 hours into filming, we were kindly told by CUPD that we weren't allowed to film without the approval of CU's UAS Operations. We reached out to the board to get approval but they declined us because of the stay at home order. We didn't know what to do with the footage we already got but finally decided to release an edit. Enjoy! Music: Nils Frahm - Them Created by @carterfilmz and @nikofilmz.
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Chasing a Sport Bike through Boulder Canyon

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- nikofilmz
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BMX Flow - Cinewhoop One Shot

- nikofilmz
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Denver Protests via Cinewhoop

- nikofilmz
- 1.3k VŪZ
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