Pole Dancing with a Cinewhoop
Just when we thought we had seen every imaginable "cinewhoop" scene, top AirVuz contributor and first person view pilot nikofilmz serves up this epic piece, in which he uses a small HD camera-equipped micro-drone to film a beautiful pole-dancer. With their ducted propellers and light weight, these tiny aircraft can be flown around people with essentially zero risk of serous injury. It provides an incredible perspective on a sport which began in strip clubs but which has since become a mainstream form of exercise.
- almost 5 years ago
- 2.6k VŪZ
16 - 18
- Report
One of our most challenging shoots to date... With only about 8 feet between the pole and the walls, our orbit radius was super tight. Carter Hansen (@carterfilmz) and I had to make sure we didn't crash into other poles in the studio or get caught in Aretha's hairð¬ Also, this was filmed on a 3" Shendrones Squirt which is a tad large for hitting gaps like these ð Pole dancing takes incredible flexibility and endurance and Aretha (@ravenmuah) did an amazing job performing with the drone only inches awayðð¯ Music: Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Make You Feel
Up Next
Cinewhooping a Live Venue

- nikofilmz
- 1.1k VŪZ
13 - 15
- over 4 years ago
FPV Drone x Pole Dance

- salva.tours
- 1.2k VŪZ
7 - 8
- over 1 year ago
BMX Flow - Cinewhoop One Shot

- nikofilmz
- 1.3k VŪZ
15 - 15
- almost 5 years ago

- gustavoaguiar
- 5.9k VŪZ
17 - 9
- over 7 years ago
Denver Protests via Cinewhoop

- nikofilmz
- 1.3k VŪZ
11 - 13
- almost 5 years ago
Cinewhooping a Motel near the US/Mexico Border

- nikofilmz
- 1.0k VŪZ
11 - 10
- over 4 years ago
FPVing a Gas Powered RC L-39

- nikofilmz
- 1.2k VŪZ
18 - 24
- almost 5 years ago
Lotfi Just Can't Stop

- Fincky
- 3.0k VŪZ
44 - 25
- almost 6 years ago
Aerial Loop with Ultraprod.ch

- B-Epic
- 1.8k VŪZ
19 - 23
- over 6 years ago
Snowy Carbon Cub STOL - Cinematic FPV

- nikofilmz
- 1.1k VŪZ
13 - 14
- about 4 years ago