Bystrica castle(Považský hrad)
For a second upload to AirVuz, contributor Talo77 brings us this drone video of a medieval castle in Slovakia called Považský hrad. The semi-ruined structure lies on a cliff overlooking the Váh River near the town of Považská Bystrica in the (northwestern) region of Trenčín. Believed to originally date to the 12th century, the castle was built to protect the river valley. For several centuries, the castle played an important role in the struggle for control of the region between the Habsburg family and various Hungarian nobles.
- over 3 years ago
- 1.8k VŪZ
16 - 15
- Report
Považský hrad (other names: Hrad Bystrica, Bystrický hrad, Vágbeszterce vára, Waagburg, Bistrizza, Bestruche castrum) is a ruin of medieval castle on the right side of the river Váh, near Považská Bystrica in Slovakia. It is thought to be the essential part of silhouette of Považie and Upper Váh region especially. It is built on a cliff 497 meters above sea level. It was one of the most important castles guarding the valley of the river Váh. At the peak of its fame it was home of around 400 people. It is famously known as an "eagles nest" of the important Hungarian noble family of Podmanitzky.
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Lietava Castle
- Talo77
- 1.7k VŪZ
14 - 13
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Autumn Orava Castle - Z Dronu

- Zdronu
- 1.5k VŪZ
3 - 3
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Trenčiansky hrad
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Hrad Bezděz | Czech Republic - DJI Mavic Pro | Aerial Drone Video (4K Ultra HD)
- Topi80
- 2.9k VŪZ
29 - 18
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Veveri castle

- OCdrone
- 1.5k VŪZ
20 - 12
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Pearls of Spiš, Slovakia // Cinematic footage by DJI Mavic Pro
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33 - 13
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Plavecky Castle
- Pavol Turčani
- 2.3k VŪZ
33 - 48
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Lietava Castle
- Pavol Turčani
- 1.7k VŪZ
35 - 43
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Morning walk || Strecno castle

- Luke´s Studios
- 1.3k VŪZ
19 - 18
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Spiš Castle, Slovakia
- Ivan Dovala
- 12.1k VŪZ
97 - 68
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