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Matching up some fearless wingsuiting with a highly skilled drone pilot sounds like an epic way to spend the day in our book. Check out the fantastic perspective gained when professional wingsuit pilot Joe Lohmuller was chased down the cliff by the very talented drone pilot VerJanFPV. His undeniably fast quadcopter kept some pretty sweet lines as it raced after the Lohmiller, and of course, the GoPro caught all of those important angles (and sounds like kudos go to WestPsydeFPV for some help on the editing).
- almost 5 years ago
- 2.8k VŪZ
15 - 16
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How about some unique angles in action?! Lets go! High speed lines with professional wingsuit pilot Joe Lohmuller and my fastest drone! POV🎥/Wingsuit Pilot🪂 - @moabjoe423 FPV🎥/Drone Pilot - @verjanfpv 🎞✂️/Edit - @westpsydefpv 🎧🎵/Music - "Royal" - @clozinger www.dronecoproductions.com
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- 2.6k VŪZ
33 - 28
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B.A.S.E. F.P.V. 3

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VerJan 2021 - Do you feel it - FPV

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- VerJan FPV
- 2.0k VŪZ
13 - 12
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