Avenue Fire, Horse Creek Complex. Oregon
- over 7 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
21 - 15
- Report
Avenue Fire, Horse Creek Complex, September 11, 2017. No TFR at flight location. The Horse Creek Complex is on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. There are currently 5 fires burning on the complex. The Avenue Fire is less than 3 miles from Mckenzie Bridge. Over 29,000 acres has burned between the 5 fires. Fires include The Avenue Fire 2,038 acres, Olallie Lookout Fire 1,221 acres, Roney Fire 3,161 acres, Separation Fire, 16,588 acres, and the Nash Fire 6,409 acres. Avenue Fire was reported on August 11th, 2017, the other 4 fires were reported on August 12th, 2017. All Fires are reported from lightnight strikes. McKenzie Bridge is at Level 1. To the firefighters on the ground, and in the air, we thank you. Music by Ross Bugden
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