AV News: UAE Drones for Good Award
- almost 9 years ago
- 628 VŪZ
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- Report
The UAE Drones for Good Award helps fund preeminent UAS engineers to support their quest for creating drones to help serve the greater good of humanity. See the American team that won the top International prize honor at the 2016 event in Dubai, as well as many other great drones.
Dubai is fast becoming the drone capitol of the world
thanks to its peoples’ huge investments in the
industry. Take video of world drone prix The World Drone Prix is one example, but there is
more than just entertainment on their minds…
The United Arab Emirates government sponsors an
annual competition designed to encourage UAS engineering that benefits the greater good of humanity. The UAE Drones for Good 2016 competition featured
over 1,000 submissions from 165 countries.
There were many interesting competitors, each with
novel ideas for benefiting humanity. This drone,
which debuted at the competition, is now being put to
use in Ethiopia where is drops sterilized tsetse flies to
help reduce the population of the so called “poverty
insect.” Some drones were not quite the finished
article, but you can see the potential, like with this
window washing drone. After narrowing the field to 20 groups for the semifinals, the judges had to pick a winner for both the National and International categories.
The winner of the national competition was Buildrone,
which built a flying robot that is designed to detect
and fix leaks in pipelines. The big winner, taking the
$1 million dollar International prize, was a team from
the University of Oakland with their LoonCopter.
The loon copter can navigate under water as well as
in the air, and has many practical uses from law
enforcement, to assessing environmental disasters
such as oil spills, to repelling sharks and whales from
the sea shore.
The University of Oakland team was honored by the
Prime Minister of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed, seen
here posing with the 1 million dollar check made out
to loon copter.
Show Sheikh walking in video Sheikh Mohammed is determined to brand the UAE
as the most innovative country in the world, so he’s
implemented a program called the National Innovation
This enables Dubai to embrace the UAS revolution.
They are already are using drones to monitor their
water pipelines, and now they are even going to be
used to nab litterbugs! What will they think of next!?
By awarding such significant prize funds, the UAE
Drones for Good competition is enabling Engineers to
really make a difference and positively affect
humanity. At Air Vuz News, I’m Kendall Mark.
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