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Enjoy these spectacular aerial views of Russia's Kamchatka region, compliments of new AirVuz contributor and drone pilot CINEMADRONE. The great peninsula is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Ohotsk, close to the eastern extent of mainland Russia. With two large volcanic belts containing 160 volcanoes (of which 29 are still active), it's considered the most geologically active zone of the Eurasian landmass. The video will take you over massive volcanic craters and lakes, rushing streams and waterfalls, geysers, and more.
- over 4 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
25 - 24
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Два года ожидания поездки на Камчатку, которая чуть не сорвалась перед самым вылетом, из-за коронавируса. Очень рад что все обошлось! Побывать в таком месте, увидеть все своими глазами, всю красоту природы, это просто невероятно. Делюсь с вами самыми яркими моментами что удалось снять на DJI MavicPro2 Two years of waiting for a trip to Kamchatka, which almost fell through just before departure, due to the coronavirus. I am very glad that everything worked out! To visit such a place, to see everything with your own eyes, all the beauty of nature, is just incredible. I share with you the highlights that I managed to shoot with the DJI MavicPro2
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