The Indiana Jones movie series was the brainchild of legendary filmmaker George Lucas, who conceived of a modern version of the serialized films of the 1930's and 40's. He put the project aside in the mid-70's to develop his Star Wars concept, returning to it a few years later. The first movie in the series, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was one of the greatest blockbusters in film history. With four movies released and a fifth planned for 2021, it's a rare series which has a following spanning generations. Much of the appeal of the films lie in their amazing shooting locations, which ranged from Tunisia to Sri Lanka and from Hawaii to the Southwestern USA. In this collection, we've assembled the best drone videos of locations used for this epic adventure series. Aerial photo: screenshot from "Kalalea, Kauai" by AirVūz contributor and drone pilot 5rock.
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