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Finally Tuned my PIDs (kinda)
- over 7 years ago
- 109 VŪZ
6 - 2
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In the last video, I showed how "flying around the tune" can still result in some seriously smooth footage. In this video, I'm flying the Titan build which has always been a little less smooth than my Velvet build, and I'm DEFINITELY not "flying around the tune". Instead, I'm doing all the stuff that used to result in crappy, oscillaty footage. Up until now, I've stayed on stock PIDs figuring it would be more beneficial to focus on flying skills than getting used to a specific feel. I think I've just always been afraid to play around with the numbers thinking I may actually do myself more harm than good by setting up a shitty tune. But I've always been plagued by nasty propwash and an overall "non-determined" feel to my quad and I finally set out to actually do something about it. I've watched Stingy's tuning video in the past and had always intended to take this approach when tuning. But recently I saw Le Drib's new video highlighting his process, and it really helped alleviate my hesitation to tune. I especially found it interesting that he ended up using similar numbers for his 6" as he does on his 5" build. Since the sun was about to set I figured I would just start by bumping up the numbers a bit. Tom Smith sent me his dump recently, and I was about to put them in but after looking at Drew's PIDs from his "My Rates are Slow" video I decided to start there instead as they seemed a lot closer to what I would have raised my numbers to (...actually they seemed a little higher than what I was planning, but I said F-- it, let's just see how it flies and gave it a go). I still need to actually tweak the numbers myself a bit, but really not by much!! Please feel free to leave some feedback and let me know what you think! Enjoy :) Proudly Sponsored by AirVūz and Armattan $$$ Want to save 5% on your RC purchases?? Use discount code KittFPV when ordering from :) *** Gear *** ~~Cinematic Drone~~ - DJI Inspire 2 - - DJI Zenmuse X4S - ~~5 Inch 'Chill Build~~ - Armattan Chameleon - - DYS F4 Pro AIO Flight Controller - Armattan 30a ESCs - Armattan Oomph Velvet Edition 2206-2300kv Motors ** To get basically the same build as this, go here - ~~5 Inch STRAIGHT FIRE Build~~ - Armattan Chameleon - (experimental extra stiff ;) - CL Racing F4S Flight Controller - Armattan 30a ESCs - Armattan Oomph Titan Edition 2306-2450kv Motors *~Both Chameleons~* - Rotor Riot Edition Runcam Swift 2 (camera tilt ~25°) - BMC3D TPU Chameleon Immortal T / GoPro Session Mount (30°) (This guy's stuff is seriously the best!!) ~~3 Inch Build~~ - Armattan Japalura - KISS CC CompactCTRL - BrotherHobby Tornado T1 1407 3600KV Motors - RunCam Split RC25G - Mini 200mw Aomway Stubby VTX ~~Batteries~~ - Tattu R-Line 1550mAh 95C 4S LiPo - Tattu 850mAh 75C 4S LiPo ~~Props~~ - (5") HQ Props 5x4.8x3 V1S (**These Props are HEAVEN**) - (3") Gemfan 3052 3-Blade Props ~~Radio Gear~~ - FrSky Taranis X9D Radio - - FrSky M9 Hall Effect Gimbals - - FrSky XSR Receiver (SBUS) - - TBS Crossfire Micro TX - TBS Crossfire Micro Receiver V2 - TBS Crossfire Immortal T Antenna ~~Video Gear~~ - Fatshark Dominator HD3 - - LaForge V2 Main and Diversity Modules - - VAS Mad Mushroom - - IRC 8dbi Patch - - TBS Unify Pro HV VTx (800mW) - TBS Unify Pro v2 5v VTx (800mW) - TBS Triumph Antenna - Lumenier AX II RP-SMA Antenna - GoPro Session5 - - GoPro Session5 Glass Stick-on Lens Protector - - SanDisk Extreme 64GB microSDXC UHS-3 Card - ~~Tools, Bags, & Other Gear~~ - Think Tank Photo FPV Session Backpack with Laptop Compartment (**BEST BAG EVER!!! This thing is beyond amazing, so roomy yet so compact!**) - - Think Tank Photo FPV 4 Battery Holder (**so much better than my lunchbox lol) - - Dynamite Machined Hex Driver Metric Set Red (**saw Steele using them, one of the nicest tools I've ever bought) - - Hakko FX-888D Digital Soldering Station (**get this, your soldering will improve for dayz!!) - *** Music *** Taska Black - Nothing Lasts (feat. Pauline Herr)