Williamstown Melbourne - Winter Sunset


Williamstown is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia's second-largest city.  Seen in this drone video by top AirVuz contributor Gizmo Drones, Williamstown occupies a peninsula just west of the mouth of the Yarra River, essentially surrounded by Port Phillip Bay.  The most impressive shots are looking northwest over Williamstown towards the skyscrapers of the Melbourne CBD off in the distance; in a couple of these shots, you'll see a giant cargo ship steaming into the Port of Melbourn.   The video was shot with a DJI Mini Pro 3.  

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This video captures Williamstown beach and Point Gellibrand coast as the sun sets on a lazy Sunday winter afternoon here in Melbourne. The little DJI Mini 3 Pro flew well and I was happy to find a new LUT for D-Cinelike colour mode which did an excellent job of restoring the colours of the D-Cinelike footage. Up until now I couldn't find a LUT that was worth using for this drone. I will provide a link below in case you want to try it. I am not associated with the person who created this LUT in any way.

I was flying different drones with some drone friends and this video was my last flight of the afternoon with the DJI Mini 3 Pro. It is a simple video but I hope you like it. Thanks for watching, Brett - Gizmo Drones

Drone: DJI Mini 3 Pro with Freewell ND/PL filters and manual camera settings set to 4K 30fps 1/60 D-Cinelike H265. Edited with Davinci Resolve.

D-Cinelike LUT for DJI Mini 3 Pro: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/curro/dron-dji-mini-3-pro-d-cinelike-free-lut

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