My Skydio & Me: e2a "LIKES, Dislikes and Unlikes" part 1 of 3

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Finally, here is Episode 2 of my "new" show! And it's more than just another "Review" video. It was originally intended to cover my "first impressions" of the amazing tech that is the Skydio 2. But, because of all its capabilities and implications, this quickly turned into such a big subject that, in the interest of time (both in production and concern over viewer attention-span), I thought it best to break the whole subject down into three parts: things I like, things I don't like, and things that IMOP are what sets it apart from all others.

THIS is part 1 of 3: Top 4 things I LIKE about the Skydio 2. It is my hope that the information may be helpful to someone but, even if it isn't particularly, I appreciate your viewership!