Interested In This Footage?
Contributor and drone pilot Rezerafizadeh created this stunning aerial view of Masal region of Iran. It's located in the province of Gilan in the northwestern part of the country, very close to the Caspian Sea and not far from the border with Azerbaijan. Unlike most of the country, the region is heavily forested. Prepare to be amazed by the views through the clouds of the stunning rolling hills of the area, called by some (for reasons which will be apparent when you watch) the "Green Roof of Iran".
- over 7 years ago
- 2.4k VŪZ
27 - 29
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over cloudes of Masal countries in iran
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Autumn of 2021 in iran

- rezarafizadeh
- 831 VŪZ
7 - 5
- about 3 years ago
Crowded Forest (Talesh, Iran)

- rezarafizadeh
- 1.0k VŪZ
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Green Nature of Heyran, Gilan Province

- rezarafizadeh
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Autumn of Iran Forests

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My 2020 Trips in Iran

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Iran Nature

- rezarafizadeh
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morning fog

- rezarafizadeh
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Epic Cinematic Video of the Tranquility of Nature - Iran - 4k

- rezarafizadeh
- 1.2k VŪZ
9 - 13
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Soul of the woods

- rezarafizadeh
- 958 VŪZ
14 - 15
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Dreamy Lake in the Snow

- rezarafizadeh
- 939 VŪZ
17 - 16
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