Madeira - Pico to Pico - Madeira's Best Hike

  • almost 2 years ago
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The highlight of this trip: most challenging and most rewarding: The hike from the third highest mountain (Pico do Ariero, 1818 m) passing by the second highest to the highest (Pico do Ruevo, 1861 m) takes 14 km from the lower parking space to Pico do Ariero and then on to Pico do Ruevo and back; it's 1000 m down and 1000 m up, lots of stairs, a couple of ladders, a few tunnels, many walkers, amazing views. Unfortunately the weather was too good: no clouds so no way to be above the clouds. Epic Trailer by LesFM | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License