Lake Mognola (Ticino, Switzerland)

  • over 1 year ago
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The Lago Mognola mountain lake is located at 2,003 m, surrounded by the grey giants Pizzo Campo Tencia (the highest mountain that stands entirely on Ticino soil at 3,071 m), Pizzo Crozlina and Pizzo Rüscada, to name just a few. A place shaped by history, for relaxing, experiencing adventures and enjoying the peace of nature, as well as a starting point for long mountain tours.


The path leads along a 447 m long water channel, the so-called “Acquedotto Canàa”. This is an ingenious system, skilfully crafted in ancient times, for collecting water in the overhanging natural amphitheatre of Alp Canàa and transporting it to the dry pastures below.