Kyiv in Fog (Ukraine). My sweet home.


Multiple Drone Video of the Week/Month Winner smakozawr brings us this outstanding drone video from Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine.  Shot during a series of foggy Fall mornings, the video opens with shots of the Motherland Monument, which commemorates Ukraine's immense losses in World War II.  Next stop is the Pivnichnyi Bridge, one of the spans crossing  the Dneiper River.  Other featured spots include the Church of St. Nicholas (at the :29 mark), the Monument to Prince Volodymyr (1:00), the Kyiv TV Tower (1:25), and more.  

  • about 2 years ago
  • 2.2k VŪZ
  • 15
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This is a fabulous video of my beloved and native city of Kyiv. Every autumn I hunted the fogs to take these magical shots and show them to you. Also in this video there are shots that I managed to "catch" from the Dnipro River - where I drowned my drone and it lay there for 2 days.