Hockey vs. FPV drone - EHC WILDCATS French Hockey club
Due to its high speed compared to other team sports, ice hockey is well-suited to being filmed by first person view (FPV) drones flown by experienced and with proper safety precautions. In this first upload to AirVuz by brand-new contributor BlackMountainProd, you'll see French hockey club players being chased around an indoor ice arena by an FPV quad; note how many of these shots would be impossible to capture by conventional means. This video was picked by the AirVuz editorial staff for the FPV Pilots to Watch list in June, 2023.
- almost 2 years ago
- 1.8k VŪZ
14 - 15
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Présentation du nouveau maillot de la saison 2023-24 et promotion du hockey français avec des vues immersive en drone FPV
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FPV Pilots to Watch - 06/02/23

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