Drone and Cinematic Sequence Shot
Former Drone Video of the Week Winner Alta Movie srl brings us this fantastic single-sequence drone shot of a famous church in the Tuscany region of Italy. The church is the San Biagio, and it's located just outside of the hill town of Montepulciano in the province of Siena in southern Tuscany, about 75 mi (around 120 km) southeast of Florence. The church was constructed in the Greek Renaissance style in the first half of the 16th century. The video was shot with a DJI Mavic Pro 2 drone.
- about 3 years ago
- 1.0k VŪZ
11 - 9
- Report
In cinematography, the sequence shot is a long shot that shoots one or more scenes without any cut during the editing phase. Cinematic time becomes the real time within which the flow of the scene takes place. Unless an artfully designed sequence shot, a sequence shot made with a drone does not have the same relevance as a scene from a film produced with this technique, since the editor will most likely cut the clip taking only what is necessary. However, for me it is important to work in sequence, whenever possible, because it is my way of getting into the mood. It is a self - acclimatization to the situation, an input to find harmony in the movements, to change floors and fields in a homogeneous way.
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